Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello all! My turn to contribute to fashion week :)

Well- first of all- Yanni was jealous. He wanted to be a part of the fashion blog since he is, of course, the physical incarnation of fashion.
Yanni is sporting:
classic black pullover paired w/ a gray tee
file folder and coffee mug-( must have accessories!)
military style camo backpack
(also he seems to be doing a fun little jig:)

Ok, thanks Yanni :)
now on to

*Dark skinny jeans
*Lush printed top
*Rubbish Open Stitch Cardigan
(okay, I did some early birthday shopping!):
all from Nordstrom

a side note pertaining to the skinny jeans: a great find at Nordstrom's- I can NEVER find jeans that fit. These are pure magic. They mold right to my body and I didn't have to go a size up (three cheers for magic!) I got them for a great price, but would have handed over a month's salary to add these to my wardrobe.

* Bandolino studded flats
*earrings that have been hanging around my jewelry box for decades
*long fake pearls- gift (Forever 21, I believe?) from my soon-to-be sister-in-law (lots of dashes--)
*hair:currently straightened. not usually the case, but I thought I'd look nice for you ladies:)
A slightly more detailed shot of my awesome flats.
and uneven jeans. that is really bothering me.

Wouldn't be a law library without an extensive three story collection of boring puke colored law books, every law students {favorite} accessory. not.
so many to choose from! Which goes best with my outfit??

So... while Jess and I were having a legitimate photoshoot, all these real law kids were STUDYING.
I can honestly say that I never expected to find people in the law library basement. at noon. in February.
Maybe around finals-- but come on people.
There are FAR better places to do your work than this poopy place.


Ok, now lets get real, little ladies. I got all gussied up so that you had something pseudo-interesting to look at today. In the words of Jess from Crafting Happiness,
"This ain't no runway... this ain't no fashion show...this is real life."
(she said it with a weird man voice- it was funny in person...)

So this, my friends, is me in real life:
outfit necessities:
Pink furry Northface- coolest/most used item I have ever purchased.
Fossil bird-print laptop bag- most valuable item anyone else has ever purchased for me.

So that's me.
Today's outfit is what I like to call, "Going somewhere?" attire.
no one would probably ever see me wearing this outfit without asking what important engagement I had planned for the day.
Don't get me wrong, I totally love looking cute! but my style tends to be very casual and comfy.
I do insist on looking put together. It really bothers me when people don't take the time to look presentable.
I love jeans.
I love yoga pants- a new development.
I love flip flops and summer-wear.
I love natural colors.
I love drapey things.
I love boots- also a new development.
I love earrings. post and dangling.
I love long hair- I chopped mine off last summer out of boredom: totally regret it.
I love make-up. particularly eyeliner and mascara.
I love casual.
I love painted nails- though I rarely do it.

hope you enjoyed this little peek into my wardrobe!
More fashion to come tomorrow from the ever-stylin' Ambria :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this set of photos! Way to turn the law school into a photo-shoot worthy setting :)
