Monday, March 14, 2011

GOALS, Goals, goals . . .

The topics this weeks is GOALS!

As I sat back and thought about this, I realized that there is one main goal in my life that encompasses all other goals right now and that, my dear friends, is:


(Very few things make me as happy as
this photograph that I saw at the
Buckwheat Festival!)

That might seem extremely cliche and obvious, but with all the stress of law school and obligations imposed on me everyday, if I do not make an effort to do things that make me happy, I will find myself drowning in stress and anxiety and completely UNHAPPY.  

Things that make me happy:
1) Hot Yoga
2) Reading
3) Eating a GOOD meal with GOOD friends
4) Netflix
5) Joss Whedon

Every thursday, My best friend and I got to a hot yoga class and then eat Indian with some of our favorite people, so BAM!, two things off the list. 

 Also, I just finished watching Joss Whedon's series, Dollhouse on Netflix!  Two more things on the list!!!!  Reading for pleasure has been really hard to do recently, but I am hoping to squeeze some in over Spring Break!

It is important to do THINGS that make us happy, but I think it is even more important to work on the inner state of joy and contentment.  There will ALWAYS be situations and circumstances that are beyond our control and that have a negative impact on us.  What is important is how we choose to RESPOND to those circumstances!  If there is something in your life that makes you unhappy, and it is beyond your control, you have two options:

1)  Sit around, dwell on the thing that makes you unhappy, and become more and more unhappy


2) Accept that you cannot change the situation, focus on the things you DO HAVE to be HAPPY about, and pour your energy into helping yourself and others experience happiness!

I realize that I got a little off the main topic of goals, but every smaller goal that I have (whether it be losing weight, getting more exercise, meeting new people, deepening friendships) is just an expression of this larger, overarching goal.

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