Friday, March 18, 2011


My big goal right now is balance. I need to learn to better balance my relaxation and fun time with my work time.

Dominique Moceanu, balancing like a champ.

I feel like I am either working like a maniac or being a total bum. I need to get better at spreading my work out over time instead of working on it all at once. Basically, I need to quit procrastinating! I was never really a procrastinator before I came to law school, but now I value relaxation and free time so much more that when I feel like I can take it, I DO!
My small goals right now include:
  • blog more often
  • work out more
  • try new recipes

The law ladies blog has helped me so much in my blogging on LuxLucy because it forces me to write about a new topic each week. These new topics always get me thinking about other things I could be blogging about and ta-da more blog posts on my personal blog!

I was kicking some butt at the gym during the beginning of the semester, but a nasty cold and heavy workload have put a damper on my gym time the last 2 weeks. I am going to get back at it though as soon as I return from spring break!

I keep finding tons of awesome new food blogs and they are super inspiring. However, I have yet to try out new recipes. I will try one here or there, but mostly I am in a cooking rut. I am determined to get out of it!

Those are my goals, big and small.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)

XOXO, Lauren from LuxLucy.

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